Tuesday, January 23, 2007

*1984 Question 1

what is the major theme of this novel? why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

In my opinion, it was difficult for me to find themes when I was told to find it. However while I was reading the book, 1984, I found out that this book is based on two main themes: dangers of Totalitarianism and betrayal. This novel is basically criticizing a not common government called Totalitarianism. Readers of this novel say that this novel is a satire on Totalitarianism. At first I couldn’t understand what this book is talking about since totalitarianism was brand new information for me. While reading about how Winston, the protagonist, lives his life without privacy in this society, I found out that Totalitarianism is a type of government which a person rules over a country and interferes every person in the country. Big Brother, who is the person who rules over a country where Winston lives, watches people through telescreens. Telescreens looks like TV and it is set up everywhere in the country including restrooms. I don’t think they are doing on purpose, but it is just their own unique way to govern the country. Another major theme in this novel, 1984, is betrayal. There are a lot of betrayals happening while living; Julia and O’ Brien betray Winston. Especially, O’ Brien’s case was shocking to me as a reader because I could notice that Winston had a faith in O’ Brien and he was the only one who Winston believed in. However, Winston finds out that O’ Brien is one of the inner party people and is related with Big Brother. These themes are very important to the teenagers because totalitarianism may happen in the future. This book is written in 1949; Orwell was predicting the future, what will happen in 1984. So, this book is warning the readers about what can happen that we should be aware of.


Stacy said...

The book i read was The Lord of the Flies, and it had a similar theme but different. It did involve the leader in someway but then, it wasn't talking about how the leader interferes with each and every person's life, but my theme was that one person's thoughts or sayings can change the others' mind easily. But i guess they both are saying a similar thing lol

Jennifer Cho said...

I heard that the story of 1984 is quite difficult to understand. However, after reading the themes you wrote interested me:). The word "Totalitarianism" scares me.
The government has to suppress people's rights and freedom just to develop the country. The country develops only with the help of the nation. Therefore it might be obvious that totalitarianism destorys the country rather than developing it.

African Globe Trotters. said...

Angela- I am delighted you have really applied yourself to this task. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DISCUSS THIS NEW CONCEPT SEE ME. Jennifer your comment is absolutely right - why not take the challenge and try read 1984? Mrs.Mc.

Stephanie Chun said...

Yeah, I agree that the theme is about totalitarianism. Actually I focused on people being controlled but I guess you focused more on the totalitarianism itself. I didn't thought that betrayal is one of the themes but i guess you're right.